The genealogy data of Peter Wijngaard and Inge Ruijs is divided in 4 ahnentafel books:
- Ancestors of Wijngaard (father of Peter Wijngaard)
- Ancestors of Bakker (mother of Peter Wijngaard)
- Ancestors of Ruijs (father of Inge Ruijs)
- Ancestors of Troost (mother of Inge Ruijs)
Besides the ahnentafel books the following data can be obtained:
The genealogical data does not contain information on living people. If people assumed to be living still, this is indicated by "Living person" with indexnumber. Full information on this person can be obtained from the database owner Peter Wijngaard.
Explanation location codes
The codes used to describe the locations were developed and used by the people behind the "Genealogical Research Directory" and the "Roots Surname Lists" and are a complex combination of the Chapman codes, the United States and Canadian postal codes, the three letter ISO codes for nations, and the Norwegian standard county codes. For a description of the codes, see Code Description.
If a location does not exist anymore, or belongs currently to a larger location, city or municipality, the
current location name is between parenthesis. If a location did belong (in the past) to another country, kingdom
or principality, the current country (and name) is between brackets.
The same location can belong to different countries, kingdoms or principalities for different
periods in time. That is especially the case for locations in Germany, the German Empire and
the Holy Roman Empire.
Name Colors
The names of all people on all pages are in different colors:
- Black: the person has a direct relationship with Peter Wijngaard or Inge Ruijs.
- Grey: there is no direct relationship of this person with Peter Wijngaard or Inge Ruijs. The person can be related by marriage.
- Red: there is doubt that the parentage is true. The parentage is not proven from contemporaneous sources, but is more than likely to be correct. It is based on tradition, fits with what is known of the inheritance of land, and fits chronologically.
The genealogy software used to store and retrieve all data is Brothers Keeper version 7.5. The HTML-pages and the Ahnentafel Books are build with the self-made software GEDSpecial version 4.1.
Sources and acknowledgments
A lot of sources have been used and a lot of people have support this research in one way or another. It is a fact that the deeper you dig for relatives the more people are related to you and the more people can support you. The author wish to thank them all. The main sources been used are:
- State and Municipal Archives, and Church Archives.
- Specific data, from Cees Dokkum, John Ooms, Goosen, H.C. Righolt, Anne van Lambalgen-Wijngaard, C. 't Hart, D. Bonnema, D. van Santbrink, van der Sluijs, F.J. du Chatenier. Irene Chr. Stok, J.Th. Waardeloo, Johannes de Graaf, Leo Ooijkaas, Nanny Verheijen, Nico van Kooten, Roel Verheij, Erik Troost, John Ruijsch, Willem Ruisch.
- Several genealogies: Corpershouck, Bijl, Blij, Bremer, Groes, Huijser, Mesters, Rienstra, Kiefte, Pors, Reijerkerk/Ridderkerk, Ripmeester, Schuurmans, Teernstra, Tie, van Gelder, Verduijn, Verschoor, Westduel, Susan Hermsen.
- Several Ahnentafel books: Bijl, Hagenbeek, Hofstede, Howell, Klootwijk, Zijlstra, Weeda.
- Common and Archive websites: Genlias, Drenlias, Veluwse Geslachten, Ortsfamilienbücher, International Genealogical Index (Mormones).
- Other websites: Santen, Bergwerf, Broeren, Mehl, Dijkgraaf, Dordtse, Somer, van der Zande, Schulze, Goossen, Coolen, Hofstee, Karel de Grote, Ouwerkerk, Plane, Tinbergen, van de Heuvel, van der Noll, van Gelderen, van Kranen, van Kruining, van Roekel, Verheijen, Zanoni, Passtoors, Wolters.